Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pole Dancing

We love Robin Hobb and we love her books and we love her rage against blogging. She is a star. And today we are poledancing for her.


  1. Here is a dollar bill for your most excellent pole dance! ---> $

  2. Oh dear! I wonder how many who should read Robin's rant will do so?

    Gingers, you are quick to understand her "pole dance" jibe!

  3. The sun reflecting off their ginger fur is just amazing!

  4. Thanks! I needed to read that rant.
    She's absolutely right!

  5. Gosh, my typist is saying that Robin does have a point and now she has a guilt complex about her blogging...does this mean she won't do anymore posts at my dictation? She's not only blogging for herself, she's also blogging for me....oh, I'm concerned!!

    What? Oh, now she's telling me it's okay....she's not a professional writer, so she can blog guilt-free! Yippee!
