Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Mouse Child and Maurice.

It had not been light for long when I caught my first mouse of the day. I thought to share it with Her, so took it home. But She said "Thank you very much, but I have already had breakfat". Then She asked if I did not feel ashamed of myself killing such a young mouse?

I did not. The younger they are the more juicy and tender, the faster they run, the harder the game.

And this one was sweet. And after feasting I made a nest in the grass, where the rose petals fall, warm, sheltered from wind, and rested.

It was a good mouse.


  1. Silly human! That mouse did not look too young to me! Ernest and I are glad you enjoyed it. We do not get any mice in our apartment here, so we must live vicariously through you.

  2. I don't mind them catching mice and eating outside, what I do object to is when they catch them at night and bring them onto your bed and crunch away!!!!!!

  3. Oh Maurice, that was a good morning of mousing. I am pleased you got to enjoy your mouse, and share the photos with everyone about a good mouse day.

  4. I never tasted a mouse before. It looks very delicious.

  5. Oh we just love that last picture of you in the grass with rose petals!

  6. I am loving your posts. Gotta be a cat lover to appreciate these!
