Thursday, August 2, 2007

Silver light

Later in the day the sun came out hot and we basked in the garden. Butterflies everywhere. When evening came we walked over the hill to see if the seals had come.
No seals.
Water deep blue.

The sky was a big sky. High above the setting sun shone a cold light onto our fire fur, making it silver.
Late butterflies caught the last of the light as we made our way home, long shadowcats leading the way.


  1. The sky are really bright, and beautiful.
    It is so great to see this mighty view~!

  2. Golden cats in silver light- fabulous!!

    Leanne x

  3. I like the silhouette photo a lot! You sometimes get seals there? WOW! The only water animal that lives near me are the very mean alligators.
