Sunday, May 6, 2007


Here, by the sea, high above, I found water coming out of the rocks. Magic.


  1. We're staggered by the beauty of your photographs, especially those outdoors. As house-bound (well, it's an apartment to be honest) New York cats, your site is a great way to for us to live the outdoor-life vicariously.
    We have an Expat Feeder from the U.K. and he loves your site, and especially the splendid photography.
    Thanks for sharing these images, they are splendid, and we're all rather jealous here.

  2. New York sounds glamorous. Full of sharp sounds and clamorous. But we would miss walking. Today we found where night time creatures live and when She is painting we will sneak onto the computer and put more pictures for you.
    What kind of cat are you?
