Thursday, May 17, 2007

The other dog.

Sometimes when the man comes to stay, the man who sometimes brings parma ham when he comes to stay, he also brings the other dog whose name is Larry. And Larry likes to run and chase and has a tail that is good to play with. But he does not chase us.
This time when he came to stay, the man, with the ham, he forgot to take his dog with him when he went, to wherever it is that he goes when he is not here, where ham comes from.


  1. Larry must be a good dog, because he doesn't chase you. I am scairt of dogs. They play rough.

  2. Nice to meet you, thanks for visitin' our blog!
    Larry looks like a nice dog, we hopes his man comes back for him soon.

  3. Hellooo from North Carolina America. I am a big ginger cat too and I want to kno how you make yore She take you wif you wen you go walking. I want to go owt and my She won't let me go efur. Allways she is saying no no Buddy there are terribul things owt there to hert nise cats you haf to stay in the howse. I want to go sploring too! Maybe I can come live wif you.


  4. You can come live here. Thing is we didn't have to make Her let us go walking, we just went, right from when we were tiny kittens. In the summer we would bounce through grass so high it was like a jungle. There are no cars here where we live, but there are foxes and snakes and lovely lizards, and tractors and other scarey things. Like big ginger cows.
    But mostly we walk safe and happy.
    You know Roy Cooder wrote a cd all about you, called My Name is Buddy, the story of a road cat.
    Anyway, you come live and walk with us.
    What was in the package?
