So, She wasn't really pleased by the dead mouse on the sofa. She didn't seem to appreciate it when we helped Her wash up by licking the plates clean. She's not happy when we do a wee outside Her bedroom door when She is late getting up, and She seems cross when we try and chase Nadolig away from the house. And furthermore She did not seem at all happy when Kiffer ate the sandwich that She was saving for lunch, tuna and sweetcorn. He was only trying to help as She moans about being too fat, and he thought She could write a poem about it, like that man who ate the plums. There is just no pleasing some people!
Lets all wait outside the studio door and pretend to be asleep. She seems to like that.
Lets all wait outside the studio door and pretend to be asleep. She seems to like that.
The ginger ones are now psychologists!
You have 341 followers and I'm the first to comment!!! How lucky is that.
They are such little mischiefs but you have to love them in spite of all misunderstandings.
Lovely view...
This is just to say
that I have eaten the sandwich
that You were probably saving for Your lunch.
It was delicious
so soft
and so fishy.
Love the way you tell how you see "she" in yoour lifes. I can it is not easy for you, but you are doing so well. Love you , ginger darlings
Beautiful pictures. :-)
I would find it all excusable except chasing Nadolig away... The kitten pile with Rosie is lovely!
She just doesn't understand the true importance of catly priorities! Cats were worshiped in Eqypt as gods, you know! purrrrr.....
Lily & Cricket
Momcat says those people spent too much time in the sun.....!
sleeping the sleep of the innocent
Dear Gingers,
When my Mom doesn't get up and I have to go wee, I go in the bathtub. She still shakes her head and tsk-tsks at me, but she's happier about it than when I went on her rug.
I just want to let everyone know that the door of the house has a cat flap. Gingers and Max come and go at will. When they decide to wee outside my bedroom door it is not because I am a lazy bones who can't be bothered to get up. They seem to think that 5.30 is a very good time for a two legs to be up and about.
And I am sure that the stairs are going to fall down one day if it gets any more weight of fur on it.
Why do they have to just lie there sleeping outside my door when I am trying to work. Don't they have jobs to go to?
What a darling ginger-y puddle (& that adorable pup...) lucky you. (Except for the dead mouse...I'm sure there was a misunderstanding, yes:)
if you get get the orange spray mentioned here ..I can recommend it
(our charmer sprays under the desk when crossed..)
btw cats have developed secret careers as super spies and supervisors ...either occupation includes sleeping outside the door...just a thought
I have a river of cat, too--in the morning two of them come up and wait for me to wake up. When I finally decide to come downstairs there are two of them streaming down in front of me--a black longhair and a brown tabby. The calico, older and wiser, waits at the bottom of the stairs and lets the youngsters do all the "work" of getting Mom up.
Your dog looks soooo much like my Truckee who I had for 16 years during the 70s-80s. I was thinking about her yesterday and now here is a photo to remind me again of her sweetness and beauty. (When she was old, however, she refused to sleep with cats.)
Naughty beasts! Hee hee! xxx
Dear oh dear... what a challenge to do what is right. We think the sandwich eating was most thoughtful. Darcy and Bingley
poor Nadolig, wish they wouldn't do that.Chase him away.Thats not so nice
well, we humans are not known for our sense of humor or devotion to the feline schedule...
Jobs? For cats? Don't you know that you are failing in your role by not answering their call for your 5.30 services? You just can't get the staff these days....
Has Glyn got loads of cards from around the world? Please do give us an update, as I am worried for him & the lovely lovely Nadolig.
Nadolig. The only little one in the story who leaves me sad. Everyone else seems to be having a grand time with tuna and mice and soft, sweet places to pretend at slumber. I'm glad of all this.
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