I am Nadolig, the pied cat.
Many years ago when She came to live here there was a cat. Black as the night when the moon is gone he was. Dafydd his name. He lived with Glyn, the two together, in peace of summer and winter and every day the two would walk the village bounds, morning, evening. In his pockets Glyn had crumbs of cheese and bread and apple and he would feed the birds, so that She would know when we were beating the bounds by the flock in the air that followed. Sometimes She would sit a while and they would talk.
Daffyd died, many years ago, hit by a careless car on the lane that leads to the village.
Soon after Ebril arived, for the world of cat knows when there is someone lonely, needing company. Wild lethario, Ebril would wander and court the lady cats at Upper Porth Mawr farm, driving Peggy mad with his late night songs of love. But he would always come back to Glyn. Until the day he died also, and then I was sent.
Some say Ebril was Daffyd's child. Some say I am Ebril's. Only we cats know the truth of this.
So now I am the cat of Treleddyd. But I am alone. Glyn has gone away again, for the cold can be a bitter enemy for the old. We sat together for most of the winter but when the coldest snap came it did bite hard and deep.
She comes and feeds me. She tells me that Glyn is warm, safe, but will be away for some while yet.
So I wait, watch and keep the house. And with me waits the black cat ghost of Daffyd.
Many years ago when She came to live here there was a cat. Black as the night when the moon is gone he was. Dafydd his name. He lived with Glyn, the two together, in peace of summer and winter and every day the two would walk the village bounds, morning, evening. In his pockets Glyn had crumbs of cheese and bread and apple and he would feed the birds, so that She would know when we were beating the bounds by the flock in the air that followed. Sometimes She would sit a while and they would talk.
Daffyd died, many years ago, hit by a careless car on the lane that leads to the village.
Soon after Ebril arived, for the world of cat knows when there is someone lonely, needing company. Wild lethario, Ebril would wander and court the lady cats at Upper Porth Mawr farm, driving Peggy mad with his late night songs of love. But he would always come back to Glyn. Until the day he died also, and then I was sent.
Some say Ebril was Daffyd's child. Some say I am Ebril's. Only we cats know the truth of this.
So now I am the cat of Treleddyd. But I am alone. Glyn has gone away again, for the cold can be a bitter enemy for the old. We sat together for most of the winter but when the coldest snap came it did bite hard and deep.
She comes and feeds me. She tells me that Glyn is warm, safe, but will be away for some while yet.
So I wait, watch and keep the house. And with me waits the black cat ghost of Daffyd.
So, Glyn is in hospital again. The bitter winter came and when the ice was on the ground his house, which looks so beautiful, just was too cold. He is ok, but confused as anyone would be who is taken from home and into hospital.
If you would like to send him a get well card, maybe with a cat on please send to
Mr G Griffiths
C/o The Moshulu Shoe Shop
New Street
St Davids
Wales, UK
SA62 6SN
Nadolig ( Welsh for Christmas because that it when he turned up at Glyn's) is fine and comes roud twice a day to remind me to feed him. Through the coldest times he slept in a box in one of the barns. He is a hardy little cat. I would have him in the house but Max hates him and they hiss spit fight and sing insults at each other whenever they meet.
warm dreams to nadolig!
Jackie so sorry to hear Mr Griffith's is in hospital again, but he will be well looked after and we look forward to his return as does Nadolig!
Will set to and send him a get well card, cat included to cheer him up a little...
We are all very fond of Mr Griffith.
Love Jane xxx
I have thought often of Glyn, so sorry to hear this news but it sounds for the best.I do know for a fact, from experience that his long passed cats will visit him in hospital.This thing happened with my mum.They truly do come when needed, in the flesh or in spirit.You're good friends.Laurie , Ontario, canada for some reason I "m only able to send messages under anonymous it rejects them other wise.Too many miles apart haha.
Jackie, i hope Mr Griffiths won't have to stay in hospital too long. His house does look beautiful (and freshly painted) but it's a shame that it was too cold for him to stay there. It's good that Nadolig is coming to you to be fed...and thank you for the story of the interesting cats who came before him.
Thanks Laurie
It has been a difficult few weeks. My fear is that each year these episodes take their toll on Glyn. I know that he is better off in the warm, and I hope that he can come back fully into his sparky self. There were a few cracks showing at Christmas, but with the cold he seemed quite ill.
And it is true what you say about teh cats. I began to question my sanity last time he was ill as it seemed that when I visited him all the cats of his life were there.
I like little Nadolig. He is clever.
You have beautifully evoked the mysterious "other life" of these semi-feral cats who come to visit and sometimes to stay for awhile.
I was wondering just the other day how your neighbor was doing. He remains in my thoughts and will send him get well wishes from Wyoming (which hopefully won't confuse him more!).
Sorry to hear about poor Mr Griffith. It must be very hard for him. So good you are able to look after Nadolig. A nice cheery cat card is on its way. Love to you all xxx
This is a lovely post about Nadolig and your neighbor, who I hope recovers quickly and returns home.
I hope Glyn's house will be warm for him. Today I will send him a card with a cat on it, but it will take a while for it to travel to him, from me in California.
Wishing Glyn a speedy recovery. I too will send him a card, he may wonder why he is getting cards from loads of people he doesnt know though, it won't scare him will it!?
We are very sorry to hear that Mr. Griffiths is in the hospital again, but happy that he is warm and being cared for. It's good that Nadolig comes to you for food and care. We cats know how to find good people who will help us. We send warm and gentle purrs to Mr. Griffiths and the faithful Nadolig.
'Kaika and the Yosemite cats
I will certainly send a card to Glyn which has a cat on it ... and in the meantime, he is in my thoughts and wishes everyday ... I had a Welsh Grandfather and somehow, I think he must have been made of the same stuff as Glyn. I feel very close to him. I hope that Nadolig stays close by ..it would be a hopeful sign.
I talked to Glyn last time about people around the world wishing him well and read him a letter from a lady in New York. He understands computers as he worked with some in the last years of his working life.
I made the mistake of thinking him an old man when I moved here. I have been here almost 18 years now. He would have been in his 60's, full of sunshine twinkle and birdsong. But when he was younger he travelled to Africa and back and worked in Trecoon at the MOD place, was steeped in local history and what he didn't know for sure he would make up.
As long as I have known him he has always lived alone in this house where he grew up. Alone, with a lifetime of cats, jackdaws in the chimney, visiting foxes and a badger in teh barn ( a badger called Owain, named after a hero of Glyn's).
He understands what he wants to and got the grip of the net quite well, to the point where he was enquiring about setting up supermarket orders online.
Cards will give us something to look at and something to talk about when I visit.
Thank you for being so kind and thoughtful and giving us the opportunity to send Mr. Griffiths a card.
The girls have drawn cats for Mr Griffiths and made them into a card. It's on it's way this evening. It made the mail as our post is late and the mailman (woman in our case) will collect as well as deliver so she has taken it off to start it's journey.
Hopefully it won't take forever to get there mail generally seems to take about 10 days to the UK.
Glyn is often in my thoughts, and I am sorry to hear that the cold is not being friendly to him.
He sounds like an amazing man. I hope that he is back to himself soon and that he and Nadolig will keep each other company again.
Glyn's life sounds like a book in the waiting, then who knows a feature film.Thats a life lived full.One should always be good to our animal friends because they certainly do see us on the other side.Those who mistreat them I hope surely do get their come uppance.I think in sickness the veil is thin between the now and to be, thats how our friends come to us.Laurie McKnight,,, canada
Tis done and speeding through the Royal Mails cogs of production and winging its way to dear Mr Griffith's and hopefully it will be a speedy and successful journey!!
Think its a wonderful idea Jackie!!
Jane xxx
Dear Glyn. Sorry to hear he is out of this home but he needs warmth. Too bad he didn't have a couple of time polar bears living with him, they would keep him nice and toasty!
Purrs out to the brave Nadolig who holds down the cottage and waits.
We will send a card. Maybe the wee ones can dadd some art work.
I am dashing down to the little shop to search for a card for Mr. Griffiths. Let him know Canada is thinking of him and a card shall be sent soon!
Cats and friends are two of the most important things in life. Hope he improves quickly. Silly Max.
I often wonder how Mr Griffiths is doing and am so sorry to hear that he's in hospital again. Many good wishes are being sent his way - and a card too.
It looks as if he might qualify for free central heating under this scheme. Do you think it's something he would consider?
Thankyou for bringing us news of your wonderful neighbour.
Yes, of course we will send a card, perhaps a personal paw mark from my two black rascals.
I am late in visiting your blog and learning that Glyn is suffering again. May spring, and his health, be soon in coming and that he can once again be happy in his home and with his cat companion...
I can never read your blog without losing my eyesight to tears. Considering where you live, I feel sure you know the good of down, wool and sheepskin, but in case Glyn's missed it somehow, please see he learns. They are great comforts in my pain. My dark-of-the-moon cats all (3)send all of you prrts and gentle lip rubs.
Melissande&Bob (the wonder cat)
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