On inspecting the remains of the house I anticipate that soon this will be a good place to sit in the morning. A huge piece of Brazilian slate will make a windowsill that is warmed by the slant of early morning light. She will need to clean the windows for full effect.
Soon, but not yet.
How slow and uncertain is the progress of restoring the house to calm.
Soon, but not yet.
How slow and uncertain is the progress of restoring the house to calm.
What a picture!... What immortal hand or eye / Could frame thy ginger symmetry?
A warm slate sill will be a ginger magnet methinks!
You have been such good cats to endure the upheaval. Soon you can find lovely new places in the sunshine and peace will be restored.
Maybe someone will wash the windows, but I think She has many lovely pictures to paint and words to spin.
Yes, somehow windows never seem high on the list...
That does look like a fabulous place for morning light and warmth!
As long as She understands that the house is being built around the needs of the gingers and not so much Hers, you should be good. And I think she probably knows that.
I hope you get all your renovations done before the autumn winds, fogs and rains come.
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