It happened something like this. The day was sunny, cold wind, bright light, beautiful. We cats all gathered for a walk but She piled the dogs into the car, one dog, two dogs, three dogs, and off they drove, to walk in the wild world, we don't know where.
When they came back Floss told me why the puppy one was wet. It seems they were walking on the cliffs when Rosie found a smell like heaven and decided to decorate her head with it. None too pleased with this puppy behavior She found a big metal pond and dunked the dog, smell and all, and scrubbed and washed and Rosie had a swimming lesson and a bath all in one.
When they came back Floss told me why the puppy one was wet. It seems they were walking on the cliffs when Rosie found a smell like heaven and decided to decorate her head with it. None too pleased with this puppy behavior She found a big metal pond and dunked the dog, smell and all, and scrubbed and washed and Rosie had a swimming lesson and a bath all in one.

And even though the bath was in beautiful rain water still an essence of something hung around Rosie, a reminder of the walk on the cliff tops.
This evening She discovered that the pungent scent of fox, which is perhaps the worst smell, unless you are another fox, can be removed by washing in tomato sauce. If I was Rosie I would run now before she gets mistaken for a hotdog.
This evening She discovered that the pungent scent of fox, which is perhaps the worst smell, unless you are another fox, can be removed by washing in tomato sauce. If I was Rosie I would run now before she gets mistaken for a hotdog.
Ah ha! Great - what do I get for a prize, as I guessed fox poop! It is indeed a nasty smell (unless you are a fox or a puppy).Thank goodness all cats are clean and purr-fect!
Oh good grief! A doglet smelling of fox... daffy Rosie! Still, tomato sauce is tasty with other things. And Rosie is one hot dog... just ask a fox!
Lots of huge tins of Tomato Juice is what we use here for washing off the stink of skunk...
Well now, badger is beastly, fox stinks, but we think maybe skunk is worst of all.
Rosie was not the only animal to get Fox poo in her Fur(hair)!
I am now sporting a hair style of my own now natural colour(since all of the artificial colour I had has had to be chopped off)after falling quite literally, backwards and kind of sidewards as I got up into the aformentioned fox poo!
The style is VERY SHORT,a little Dame Judy Dench with a little Grace Jones, some Annie Lennox and very little of me LOL!
I DO WISH I had known about the tomato sauce remedy......
Sandie, from Sandies-Patch. poop.
thanks ELMO for letting us in on the puppy's adventure.
Si, I was goeen' to as' abou' skonk...
Awww, poor Rosie!
Skunk Smell Remover
1 Quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 cup Baking Soda
2 tbsp Dish Detergent. (The stuff for washing dishes in the sink, not something for dishwashers.)
Mix the ingredients in a large bowl, because it will boil up like Vesuvius. We are, after all, making an oxygen generator. Wash the dog with this while it is still foaming, because it is the oxygen which reacts with the thiols (mercaptans) in the skunk stink to neutralize the odor. If it sits around, it will loose it's efficacy because the oxygen boils off. Don't try to store it in an airtight container, because it will blow up. The brew also works for clothes, humans and unlucky cats.
(Don't know how it works for Fox stink.)
I have a pony that loves fox poo, but I couldn't begin to think of dunking him in a pond, even if I wanted to!
Kim x
A pony and fox poo! Now that would be a catering sized vat of chetchup!
Well, thanks for this, Elmo. We're all having a good chuckle!
wow! loved this story from afar!
Thanks for the intriguing account of the mysterious scent!
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