This morning a parcel came and in it three lovely mice, for us! The parcel is from The Snow Leopard Trust, who are now selling Her book, The Snow Leopard, to help to raise money for leopards. They are hoping to use a couple of the paintings from the book to raise money also and thought we might like these mice, made of felt in Mongolia. The Leopard Trust work with the people who share the mountains with the leopards, though there are so few of the cats left now, maybe only 3 500 in the wildlands.
The Trust sells beautiful things made from felt from the sheep that people keep there, where life for all is a balance. The fate of the leopard is tied closely with the fate of the people.
The Trust sells beautiful things made from felt from the sheep that people keep there, where life for all is a balance. The fate of the leopard is tied closely with the fate of the people.

We are very pleased with our mice and I chose this one to be mine.
And last week we heard that the book is on the Highland Schools' Book award shortlist, though it seems She has to go to Scotland for this and we cannot go. And it has won the the Prix de l'Education Enfantine in France. And also it is on the shortlist for the 2008 English 4-11 Best Children's Illustrated Book Awards run by the English Association.
The winner of the English Association award is Varmints by Helen Ward, illustrated by Marc Craste and is very beautiful.
And last week we heard that the book is on the Highland Schools' Book award shortlist, though it seems She has to go to Scotland for this and we cannot go. And it has won the the Prix de l'Education Enfantine in France. And also it is on the shortlist for the 2008 English 4-11 Best Children's Illustrated Book Awards run by the English Association.
The winner of the English Association award is Varmints by Helen Ward, illustrated by Marc Craste and is very beautiful.
That's a very nice Mousie you've chosen! That Leopard looks very talented. Can he fly?
The cats in NJ think VERY highly of those kinds of mice - as a matter of fact, they're a little jealous of you now. I hope She has fun on her travels but I'm sure knowing that you are waiting for her at home makes returning so much nicer!
Oh my goodness, congratulations on the recognition for your beautiful book. I want to support the snow leopards, too. So, I just went and bought some of those really cute felt mousies!
ps: I must be honest. Part of the reason I bought the mousies was because I wanted a fun toy, too.
It is wonderful to get such gifts in the mail. That is a wonderful mouse you chose.
Congratulations to Her and her sweet book. Hopefully it will help shed light on the plight of the snow leopards and their people.
~purrs, Shade and Goldie
Oh my goodness. That is one beautiful illustration.
Congratulations on all the awards and getting on all those special lists!
Special strokes, scratches and purrs for the three Ginger Darlings for sharing 'Her' with the world.
Congratulations! I am requesting the book from my library and will see if that arrives before my store-ordered copy!
Rusty says:
Today, the black kittens went "outside" with collar bells. I do not wear a collar;I am a grwon-up ginger cat!
Congratulations to Her on the success of her book. Mind you, she couldn't have done it without you. Our Mum's like that. We're always giving her creative inspiration.
Congratulations, orange cats and owner!
Imported mice...you are quite aristocat!
Please tell Her, congratulations on the awards for Her snow leopard book, the paintings are beautiful. We will buy a copy of this as soon as we can find it. My daughter and I love you, Ginger Darlings. Our ginger, who was once a lonely barn cat, has finally begun to purr loudly, he must feel loved! We will post a picture of him on our blog for you three
I can see why the book won an award! Congratulations.
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