Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bliss and blue sky.

Waiting for paint to dry. How we love these days where the sun melts the frost crystals to pearl beads on the winter grass.
Climbing and balancing....

..hanging from my tail to amuse the cows...

..and whispering secret stories of bird lore to Maurice on the top of the rock in winter warm sunshine.

I can hear a bell chiming, cockerels crowing, the sheep pulling at the grass and wind in the feathers of a bird's wings.
Days like this are bliss.


Daisy said...

Wow, you could be circus cats you know so many good stunts. I especially like the hanging from the tail stunt. And the cow enjoyed it, too!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so daring!

Team Tabby said...

You are both athletic! You seem to have wonderful adventures. Lovely pictures.

Moe & Mindy

Miz said...

Hanging by the tail is a wonderful trick! Such a beautiful place where you live.

Moonroot said...

What a beautiful day!
And I so admire your tail-hanging tricks. Wish I had a tail... what fun!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Your photographs and poetic words are awe-inspiring. What a beautiful place for beautiful kitties.
